book is a gem, written from the heart by a man I have called
brother and friend for twenty years. Make Me Like Jesus
gives us an open, honest look at what it really means to walk
truthfully with Christ."
-Congressman Jim Ryun, Kansas
"Michael Phillips and I do not know each other, but we are pilgrims
walking the same road.Michael has echoed the heartbeat of the
ancients.with that summed up in the words.spiritual abandonment."
-Ron DiCianni, artist and author
"This is not a book for the faint-hearted, but it is a book
for anyone who wants to explore the depths of Christian commitment.
Michael Phillips.dares us to abandon all candy-coated versions
of the gospel in order to experience the real gospel."
-Bishop William C. Frey, author of The Dance of
"As I started reading the first chapter, I dissolved into weeping.there
was a comfort in knowing I was not alone, there are others on
this road."
".a word in season!"
"I just finished reading Make Me Like Jesus, and now
I know why Michael Phillips has been my favorite author for
many years."
"How can one person hear so wonderfully from God and put it
down on paper so eloquently and faithfully that others can actually
catch the fire and purpose of God Himself. Thank you from the
deepest part of my heart.I felt the pain as you wrote it."
"I have delayed writing to you about Make Me Like Jesus
simply because my words were so inadequate to convey how very
moved I am.all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Thank you for writing Make Me Like Jesus. Maybe a dangerous
prayer, but yet the most important."
"I just read the introduction of Make Me Like Jesus and
almost cried."
"Thank you.for the courage, love, and faith.that produced.Make
Me Like Jesus.How can I thank you enough for the marvelous
gift of your transparency-the humility in deadly honest sensitivity-in
the unveiling of your innermost thoughts."
"The book Make Me Like Jesus is so absolutely wonderful
that I cried all the way through it."
"You have written what I have been praying without even knowing
the words.All of your books have touched me, but none like this
"I am reading your new book Make Me Like Jesus.I am grateful
for the challenge and truth of what you have written."
"What a profound experience it has been for me to read.Make
Me Like Jesus."
"Thank you ever so much for.Make Me Like Jesus.Thank
you for sharing your heart; with all its pain, doubt, and dogged
grip on the Father's garments.Thank you for speaking so honestly
about following Christ even, and especially, through the dark."
"I just finished Make Me Like Jesus. It is the deepest,
most beautiful book I have ever read. It has started me on a
journey.My flesh is jumping! I will press on to be like Jesus."