The writings, spiritual vision, and legacy of George MacDonald & Michael Phillips

The writings, spiritual vision, and legacy of George MacDonald & Michael Phillips

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Availability and Ordering Information...For PayPal ordering, see

The Legacy:
Who is George MacDonald?
Michael Phillips
Who is Michael Phillips?
George MacDonald's Writings:
A Historical 19th Century Bibliography of His Published Works
George MacDonald’s Writings:
“The New Classics”
Michael Phillips’ Writings:
A 20th and 21st Century Bibliography of His
Published Works
The MacDonald/Phillips Magazine
“Dear George MacDonald…”:
Responses From Readers
“Dear Michael Phillips…”:
Responses From Readers
From the Heart of George MacDonald:
A Selection of Quotations

George MacDonald’s Faith in Historical Perspective



We are in the process of building a new sister website with a wider range of articles about George MacDonald and by Michael Phillips, and to facilitate the ordering of books. Please visit "Father of the Inklings" as in

Many of you have probably come to this website because you are interested in books written by either George MacDonald or Michael Phillips. You want information on how to obtain a certain title, or perhaps several titles, that you have not been able to find. We hope we will be able to help you!

However, you should be forewarned that of the 120 or so titles written by George MacDonald and Michael Phillips, many are out of print and unavailable at any given time. It can be a daunting task to locate the older and more obscure works. Additionally, at this time of renewed interest in MacDonald, and as Michael Phillips continues to pen new original works, the books of both authors are coming and going in and out of print on a regular basis. Therefore, availability is constantly changing.

We will do our best to help you obtain what titles we have available.

This website concerns only the works of Michael Phillips and those MacDonald titles that he has been instrumental in bringing into publication. This is not a search service nor a complete listing. There are other publishers now making MacDonald books available, as well as additional sources for locating out of print titles.


You may email us at:

You may surface mail us at:
P.O. Box 7003
Eureka, CA. 95502

Additional ordering information is included on the page: Availability and Ordering Information. You may also order books from "Father of the Inklings," as in

This is primarily an informational website, not an exclusively sales-based one. We hope to provide you with interesting and useful information on George MacDonald and Michael Phillips, both biographical and bibliographical, and provide an extensive listing of their publications, as well as information on which of those titles are currently available.

Our new sister website has been designed to facilitate ease of ordering, as well as to offer additional material on George MacDonald and new writings by Michael Phillips. font>

Please visit "Father of the Inklings."


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